Nanotechnology and Natural Gas: Future Possibilities

Two researchers, Saeid Mokhatab and Brian Towler of the Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department, at the University of Wyoming, in Laramie, assert that there are many opportunities for the industry to exploit nanotechnology. Their projections are published in the International Journal of Nanotechnology.

Nanomaterials, such as nanotubes or engineered porous minerals, might be used in the gas field or other source to improve the efficiency of extraction of a wide variety of hydrocarbon fuel compounds and chemical feedstocks.

Similarly, related nanomaterials might be used to improve purification and storage of hydrocarbons, while yet other nanomaterials might be used in environmental remediation, allowing contaminated sites to be cleaned up of harmful pollutants. Nanomaterials might even be developed as corrosion inhibitors for equipment and at the same time, more sophisticated nanotechnology could be developed as solid-state gas sensors for air pollution monitoring.

International Journal of Nanotechnology 2007 - Vol. 4, No.6 pp. 680 - 690

Link to Volume 4, No. 6


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